
Pool Service Simplified

The app for pool owners, contractors, and technicians


We're simple

Straightforward pricing, straightforward value

For Pool Owners
  • Find local contractors
  • Compare service offers
  • Cancel or change contractors at any time
  • In-app messaging with contractors & technicians
  • View service records / chemical usage / measurements
  • Auto-pay with credit card / checking account / Google or Apple Pay
For Technicians
  • Find hiring contractors
  • Receive routes from contractors
  • Receive daily payouts (for billable customers only)
  • View routes / service records / chemical history
  • In-app messaging with contractors & customers
  • Set open-for-work status - coming soon!
For Contractors
  • Create service records (online/offline)
  • Track chemical usage history by pool
  • Manage technician roster
  • Manage routes & assign to technicians
  • Create (non-billable) pools & assign to routes
  • Create (non-billable) services & assign to pools
Premium - For Contractors
Stripe + 1%*
  • Advertise your services to local pool owners
  • Set your own prices by zip code & pool type
  • Get paid instantly for pre-paid service records
  • In-app messaging with customers & technicians
  • Get discovered by technicians looking for work
  • Set a commission for subcontracted technicians